Easier more than you might think, included all possible scenarios with examples for each case.
inside your page
<script type="text/javascript" src="/bscom.modals.js"></script>
Please make sure that bootstrap version 4 and also jquery library both are already referenced in
your pages before start using this library
Confirm Modal Confirm can be used in different ways with flexibility to specify class names and titles of buttons with event handlers for each one. below are some examples with short description. if you need more info. drop me an email "m.solimanz@hotmail.com"
Simplest way: Inline Event Handler
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?", function(){ alert("Okay"); });'>
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?", "okayHandler")'>Confirm</button>
var okayHandler = function(){ alert("Okay"); }
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?", "okayHandler")'>Confirm</button>
var okayHandler = function(){ alert("Okay"); }
bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?", {yup: "yupHandler", nope: "nopeHandler"});
bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?", {yup: function(){...}, nope: function(){...}});
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?",
function(){ alert("Okay Pressed!");},
function(){ alert("No Pressed!");})'>Confirm</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?","yesHandler", "noHandler")'>
var yesHandler = function(){ alert("Okay Pressed!"); }
var noHandler = function(){ alert("No Pressed!"); }
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?",
{okay: {action: function(){ alert("Okay Pressed!");}, class: "btn btn-primary"},
cancel: {action: function(){ alert("No Pressed!");}, class: "btn btn-secondary"}})'>
Confirm 1
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?",
{ yup: {action: "yup", class: "btn btn-primary"}, nope: {action: "nope"}})'>
Confirm 2
var yup = function(){ alert("Yup Pressed!"); }
var nope = function(){ alert("Nope Pressed!"); }
<button class="btn btn-primary"
onclick='bscom.modals.confirm("Confirm?", "Are you sure?",
{ yup: {action: "yup", class: "btn btn-primary"}})'>